AFFRD400.ZIP 174,154 01-12-94 AFFORD IT??? v4.00; Annuity calculationpackage with on screen hand calculator.Amortizes loans, calculates savings withsteady or variable deposits, tracks yourloans, calculates interest by two differentmethods. Use
AMORTZ15.ZIP 110,859 11-16-93 AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v1.50 <ASP>The EASY financial loan calculation system.AMORTZ is a very "user friendly" package thacan calculate any of the loan variables(principal, interest, payment amount or # ofpa
AP94.ZIP 217,014 12-29-93 AUTO PRICE 94 v2.4.0; New car or auto pricinprogram.- Menu driven to select make, model,style, equip, loan table, & prt output.Shows price, pkg/equip cross ref., & stdequip list. Intelligent data base adds or deequi
ATH201.ZIP 414,054 01-19-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.01; Complete home andpersonal information manager. Easily keeptrack of names, addresses, and phone numbersgrocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairsand maintenance; household maintenance andrepa
BOND9311.ZIP 97,447 12-19-93 EE BONDS TRACKER 93.11; Track up to 1,000, ESavings bonds. This program will allow youto Input, Delete, and Arrange a bondportfolio. There is also an option toprovide a hard copy. BONDS TRACKER allows thuser to in
BONDS.ZIP 101,227 11-26-93 EE BONDS TRACKER v93.11; Track up to 1,000,EE Savings bonds. This program will allowyou to Input, Delete, and Arrange a bondportfolio. There is also an option toprovide a hard copy. Allows the user to inpunew inte
CAR132.ZIP 296,733 01-08-94 C.A.R. v13.2; Usage and maintenancelogger/reminder for vehicles,machines,tools.Quick & easy to use, has context-sensitivepop-up help and a manual. Helps you operatereliably and economically, adds value atresale tim
CASHC.ZIP 259,676 08-25-93 Cash Control Ver. 1.0C Revision <ASP>CC is a personal or small business checkbookprogram designed for those who find mostfinance programs confusing. It is loadedwith features for small business yet simpleto lear
CBPLUS55.ZIP 352,037 12-01-93 CHECKBOOK PLUS v5.5 <ASP>Full-featured cash management and budgetingsystem that helps you master your financialaffairs. Handles multiple accounts, accountreconciliation, and memorized transactions.Print checks, cust
CHF100.ZIP 135,414 11-21-93 LOAN CHIEF v1.00 [ASP] Loan calculatinghas never been this easy! Professionalschedules with a multitude of options:Weekly - Annual, variable rates, loanacceleration, tax analysis, variablepayments, cumulative/non-c
CHKPRT.ZIP 275,774 06-10-93 Check-Print; This is a very easy to runprogram. You can run it without a manual.The Program has 6 Charts of Accounts you canpick from, once one is picked you can modifyit to your personal specifications, or youcan
DBT121.ZIP 112,267 08-20-93 THE DEBT ANALYZER v1.21 Designed to helpreduce and eliminate debt. Debt reduction isillustrated through a loan payment scheduleor through loan consolidation. Up to 20 debtcan be processed at one time. Use minimumpay
FINWIZ5.ZIP 128,650 06-15-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> - A verypowerful, easy to use investment and loananalysis program that calculates dozens ofpersonal and business financial situationswith ease. Amortization, future and presentvalues, de
FPLAN40A.ZIP 291,946 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [1/2]Comprehensive menu driven program with fullmouse support to develop and plan for allyour important financial goals. Availabletutorial check-list, on-screen help, anddetail
FPLAN40B.ZIP 352,836 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [2/2]Comprehensive menu driven program with fullmouse support to develop and plan for allyour important financial goals. Availabletutorial check-list, on-screen help, anddetail
H13A.ZIP 208,914 11-21-93 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.3a <ASP> - An excellent jobinterview simulator that provides realistictraining to prepare you for your next jobinterview. "You're Hired!" asks you commonchallenging questions and records elapsedtime
HBRM15.ZIP 85,470 03-10-94 Home Basis Record Manager v1.5; Everyhomeowner needs to keep track of the basis(cost) of a house or condo. This programwill do it for you. It identifies more than40 events that raise or lower basis. Keepinthis in
HR312.ZIP 182,905 12-27-93 Household Register v3.12; It's the onlyprogram you'll care about the day your homeor office is robbed or destroyed! Recordsall the right information about your assetsso that your insurance company pays. Thisunique
HWPP102.ZIP 184,477 05-07-93 Personal Possessions v1.00 from RSI. Part othe HomeWorks Home Management System. Simplsimple, easy to use organizer. Menu drivenwith full mouse support. Multiple sort andprint options. Registered version include
JOBHUNT5.ZIP 323,044 02-24-94 JOBHUNT-5-S; The Complete Job-Search Tool!Write to thousands of potential employersnationwide in a single day. Provides fullcontact-info, prints personalized letters,labels and envelopes. Search companies bydifferen
LOAN200.ZIP 71,025 08-17-93 HOME LOAN DIARY 2.0 - Mortgage diary.Calculates how much $$$ you can save bypaying a loan off early. Like a Lotusspreadsheet but scrollable! Additionalprincipal payments and notes can beentered and saved to disk. P
MES1.ZIP 587,689 06-27-93 MarketEdge V1.0S, Bill Mason, SASI Software,PO Box 457, Sherwood, OR 97140 503-625-5384MarketEdge is for the beginning stock marketinvestor:professional trader:money manager.SASI's MarketEdge is a stock market trend
MLRCHK25.ZIP 171,454 09-01-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S CHECKING v2.5 <ASP> - makeyour check balancing a cinch. It's the wayyou've always taken care of your checkingaccount, but all the hard parts are handledelectronically. Quickeys make data entryfa
MLRCRG25.ZIP 157,473 09-05-93 My Little Realm's Charging v2.5 <ASP> -Just what the doctor ordered if you need tomonitor your credit card expenditures!Charging lets you see at a glance what youhave outstanding on each card and the totaloutstandin
MLRPUB26.ZIP 136,988 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Public Library v2.5; Tiredof paying overdue fines? Public Lib. letsyou see at a glance which books are due andwhen. After you mark the outstanding booksreturned, those records are kept in ahistor
MLRSAV25.ZIP 132,734 09-01-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S SAVINGS v2.5; Trackinvestment savings. Enter the worth of eachinvestment, as well as pertinent informationlike the location of each of the documents,so you won't forget where you put yourSavings B
MOMONY04.ZIP 171,603 11-02-93 A Complete Electronic text & GraphicsMAGAZINE dedicated to teaching the reader hoto save money and invest it in Paying off thMortgage. Concepts used are new to mostpeople. Included is a Primer on becomingtotally F
MPCH511.ZIP 163,610 07-05-93 Checkbook Management Program v5.11;Full-featured checkbook manager. Enter, editor delete transactions. Reconcile bankstatement. Print checks (any format).Numerous reports including expense and incomsummaries. Up to
MRT109.ZIP 143,938 08-27-93 THE MORTGAGE ANALYZER v1.09; Contains optionfor amortization schedules, loanqualification, refinancing, mortgage accel-eration, side by side mortgage comparisons,and mortgage related calculators. Scheduledetail is
MS2Q11.ZIP 22,451 06-14-93 MS2Q - program that will build a Quickenformat security price file using MetaStockData. The Quicken format file can then beimported into Quicken to update securityprices.
PCE15.ZIP 336,564 12-15-93 PC Chart v1.5; Stock and commodity chartingprogram, which combines superior charting,database, and telecommunicationscapabilities. Generates commodity and stockcharts and standard technical indicators sucas moving
PERIN212.ZIP 100,446 11-12-93 PERSONAL INVENTORY 2.12; Keeps track ofpersonal inventory. Includes: initialpurchase costs, depreciation, serial andmodel numbers, warranty information anddescription. Handy worksheet. Easy to use.
PF2_20_A.ZIP 288,876 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full functionpersonal and small business financial systemSupports all types of accounts-checking,credit card, margin, etc. Integratedsubsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,fixed assets,
PF2_20_B.ZIP 362,025 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full functionpersonal and small business financial systemSupports all types of accounts-checking,credit card, margin, etc. Integratedsubsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,fixed assets,
PF2_20_C.ZIP 392,091 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i; Full functionpersonal and small business financial systemSupports all types of accounts-checking,credit card, margin, etc. Integratedsubsystems for budgets, accounts pay/rcv,fixed assets,
PMIS3.ZIP 202,750 01-27-94 The Personal Management Information System;Not just another check book program. It is"THE" check book manager that incorporatesthe best features of past and present checkbook programs that have inundated the world.
PORTMGR1.ZIP 288,666 12-25-93 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGER VER 4.5 <ASP>Investment portfolio record keeping system.-Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a taxplanning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfo
PORTMGR2.ZIP 269,800 12-25-93 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGER VER 4.5 <ASP>Investment portfolio record keeping system.-Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a taxplanning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfo
PORTMGR3.ZIP 291,210 12-25-93 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGER VER 4.5 <ASP>Investment portfolio record keeping system.-Tracks investments, computes ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, etc. Use as a taxplanning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfo
PRL130.ZIP 311,871 02-16-94 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.30; Computerize yourpaper route bookkeeping with this uniqueprogram. Keeps track of customers, addressesdelivery order, route listing, collections,billings, tips, etc. Print reports on yourcus
PRO93S.ZIP 418,632 01-02-94 PRO93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 <ASP> A Federal Form1040 Tax Return preparation program with 52forms, including a graphics Form 1040 forsignature using Epson dot matrix printer orHP laser printer. Includes professionalfeatur
QTAX05.ZIP 96,246 01-11-94 QUICKTAX v1.05; Tax calculator/planner, noforms to enter- Tax calculator/planner.Automatically guides through all necessaryentries without forms. Know your tax allyear. Prevent penalties, maximize deductionscredits,
RESKIT12.ZIP 126,184 09-22-93 PC PERSONAL RESUME KIT v1.2; Buildpersonalized 'electronic' resumes- The PCPersonal Resume Kit allows you to build an'electronic' resume (complete with adigitized image of yourself) that willpersonify you in an orig
STAX93.ZIP 292,678 01-04-94 1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.1 <ASP>-Full-featured1040 tax program for individual and paid preparers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE,2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251,8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts
SUPER_M1.ZIP 338,090 07-01-93 SUPER MACRO LIBRARY for LOTUS 1-2-3 v3.4 <ASOver 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB macro+ menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start macrosusing POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges doesnot have to be contiguous or same type. Th
SUPER_M2.ZIP 296,497 07-01-93 SUPER MACRO LIBRARY for LOTUS 1-2-3 v3.4 <ASOver 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB macro+ menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start macrosusing POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges doesnot have to be contiguous or same type. Th
SUPER_M3.ZIP 263,552 07-01-93 SUPER MACRO LIBRARY for LOTUS 1-2-3 v3.4 <ASOver 250 *.WK1 macros + over 220 *.MLB macro+ menu-driven MACRO MANAGERS to start macrosusing POINT&SHOOT. Data inside ranges doesnot have to be contiguous or same type. Th
TAX93S.ZIP 351,908 01-02-94 TAX93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 <ASP> A Federal Form1040 Tax Return preparation program with 28forms, including a graphics Form 1040 forsignature using Epson dot matrix printers orHP laser printer. This program will installo
TFM92.ZIP 247,393 08-23-93 THE FEELING'S MUTUAL V2.1.92 (DOS) <ASP>Contains complete information on 300+ mutualfunds and 25 fund families. Financialprojections based on your assumptions. Fullregistration brings bound manual, expandeddatabase,
YH132.ZIP 210,653 02-21-94 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.32; Informative jobinterview simulator that provides realistictraining to prepare you for your next jobinterview. "You're Hired!" asks you commonchallenging questions and records elapsedtimes as you